Behind the scenes – Recording Cracking the Change Code.101 course
When the solution is right in front of you
Cracking the Change Code.101 emerged during a planning session last year. MyCube4Change has been a journey of nearly 20 years. Although the change framework has been used successfully in many large corporate change situations, the additional components had been built out separately. We didn’t realise the value of consolidating them.
All-round learning experience
In this online learning experience, we have pulled together all the components. It’s exciting to see the combination of video, live learning experiences, other content, a supporting digital tool, and an assessment tool. It creates an all-round learning experience: practical, down to earth and applicable. This will differentiate us from other courses.
Using technology
Like many SA entrepreneurs, the business is self-funded: no angel investors or trust funds, just a bunch of people doing what they love, even if it’s out of their skillset at times. We are change experts, not videographers, Ted-style presenters, or course builders, but with the excellent building blocks of the Thinkific platform, our original testing is giving us good feedback.
Continual improvement
We’re using our own change model of see, reflect, respond, to ensure continual improvement: amateur videos, word documents, placeholders, etc reviewed by friends and clients and then revised.
Our team shared some of their hopes and experiences of the process.
What’s your hope for the Cracking The Change Code.101 course?
Reyer: My hope is people will develop tools to help themselves change, reflect more deeply, and take action. I hope it will make a real difference in their lives, especially those people who wouldn’t usually have a coach.
Jeremy: My hope is it would provide an affordable solution for people to develop their changeability, their capacity to reflect, and their ability to do new things.
The digital offering was built to give access to more people at a better price point. What was originally used by senior people in an organisation, is now priced to be used across the whole company in a cost-effective manner.
As online learning providers, what have you learnt?
Reyer: It’s more complex and difficult than I expected. To create something that is structured, flows well, and has the right balance of mediums and instruction has been challenging. Using Thinkific makes it easier. They have done the thinking and created a ‘best practice’ process.
Jeremy: The overall process has been a long one. It’s simple to give one offering, but where you need multiple components to come together it’s more complicated. We haven’t just given a change framework, a digital change agent, a change assessment, or a manual; we have created a complete learning solution that can be used traditionally and digitally.